06 Nov New Coronavirus Guidelines
Dear Parents/Carers
New COVID-19 guidelines from Monday 9 November 2020
I am writing to inform you of some changes to procedures for the lockdown period which will allow us to help keep our students, yourselves, our school and local community safe.
In light of the lockdown that began on Thursday 5 November, we have updated our risk assessment to ensure that we keep all students and adults safe and play our part in reducing the number of cases of COVID-19 in Teignbridge.
We are all in agreement with the Government that schools should remain open-the expectation remains that ALL children continue to attend school. The number of cases in primary age children remains low but we need to work together to reduce the risk to all members of our community, particularly the elderly and vulnerable. Government guidelines state that all students year 7 and above are required to wear a face covering in areas they are unable to socially distance e.g. corridors, therefore we require them to bring in a mask/face covering and ask that they wear them in designated areas of school. We recognise some students will find this difficult so this will not be enforced but will be strongly encouraged.
We also ask that any parent/carer who brings their child to school and at collection time, wear a face covering. All staff will be wearing face coverings when collecting students from their taxis and at the end of the day to ensure all transitions are as safe as possible.
We wish to minimise the risk of transmission in light of rising cases locally and also to minimise the disruption to the students and yourselves should we get a positive case in school. Lockdown is about reducing reducing social contact other than that which is vital, with education falling into this category.
Visitors will no longer be allowed into the school building unless linked to educational purposes.
Please help us to keep your child, yourselves, other parents/carers and our staff safe by following these simple rules:
- To maintain social distancing, only 1 adult should accompany your child to and from school if not travelling in pre arranged taxis.
- Leave promptly when you have dropped off your child
- Discuss with your child about the wearing of face coverings in designated areas of the school (year 7 and above only)
- Please communicate with the school via email, phone and Class Dojo
- If your child is showing symtoms consistent with that of COVID-19 (loss of taste and smell, fever, a new continuous cough) please do not send them to school
- If your child has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, they should remain at home for 14 days. Please notify the school and we will get home learning organised for you
Please follow this link for the latest Government Guidance on the New National Restrictions from 5 November https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-national-restrictions-from-5-november
We thank you for your cooperation and support.
Kind regards
Pete Jenkins, Executive Principal