Careers Education

CEIAG – Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance


CEIAG is designed to prepare students for life in modern Britain and is a means of developing a young person’s knowledge, understanding, confidence and skills so that they can make well-informed and thought through choices relating to further learning and work, now and in the future.

School for Inspiring Talents aims to provide excellent quality, impartial information, advice and guidance to all students from Year 7 to Year 11. This guidance allows us to support our students and allow them to make information decisions for their post-16 choices following Year 11, but also their choices for bespoke learning and opportunities throughout their time with us.


Measuring the impact of CEIAG

At School for Inspiring Talents, we use Compass Plus – the careers benchmark tool as outlined in the Gatsby benchmarks to assess and constantly improve our current CEIAG provision.

Our progress against the Gatsby benchmarks is reviewed regularly throughout the academic year to ensure we meet all 8 benchmarks. You can click here to see our current Compass score.

As a school we work with parents, employers and stakeholders to ensure that students are able to make informed choices about their future.



All information published on this CEIAG webpage will be reviewed at the end of each academic term. The CEIAG plan in school is reviewed each year by the Careers Leader and was last reviewed March 2024.


For more information:


Our Careers Leader is Isobel Harben

email: [email protected]

phone:  01626 244086.

Work Experience at SfIT:


Please click here for a downloadable copy of our Work Experience Handbook for Parents / Carers and students.

Careers Entitlement Statement


All students at SfIT will:

Take part in a careers programme in Years 7-11 that encourages them to:

  • Understand possible options for future education and employment
  • Develop decision-making skills that allow them to manage their own development and progression
  • Source and use appropriate careers and employment information
  • Make the most of work-related activities and experiences, including encounters with employers
  • Contribute to the careers programme by providing evaluation and feedback
  • Take part in a week of Work Experience in Year 10

Have access to, and guidance in the use of, careers information that is:

  • Accessible and straightforward to use (e.g. on school website/Seesaw etc.)
  • Up-to-date and wide ranging
  • Age appropriate and comprehensive

Be offered personal, 1:1 careers guidance in year 10 and year 11 that is:

  • Impartial
  • Confidential
  • Appropriate to their specific needs and circumstances
  • Supportive of diversity and equal opportunities


SfIT parents and carers are welcome to:

  • Contact the Careers Lead by phone or email with any queries
  • Arrange a meeting with the Careers Lead to discuss their child’s options and plans
  • Receive information about careers events and activities
  • Give feedback on the content and effectiveness of the careers programme


All staff members are expected to:

  • Be active in helping themselves as well as expecting SLT to help them
  • Be prepared to be realistic in considering the range of options available and in making choices about them
  • Be prepared to learn and stretch yourself in order to reach your potential
  • Be punctual and considerate of others

Quality in Careers Mark


We’re proud to announce that our students and staff are committed to assessment for Investor in Careers.  We will be compiling evidence for first assessment next academic year.


The Quality in Careers Standard award is a kite mark for quality in CEIAG and is recognised nationally across the country.  It is awarded to schools who have demonstrated a commitment to provide impartial, independent CEIAG to young people, to improve students’ awareness of opportunities, to raise aspirations and to work to ensure they achieve their full potential.


Assessment is based on standards required by legislation or nationally produced guidelines on good practice, so we are not asked to do anything that is not already established as being of value to our students.  The Award is written and revised by careers education and guidance professionals, teachers and senior managers in schools.


The Award is structured around four key elements:

      • Commitment
      • Organisation
      • Delivery
      • Evaluation


For more info: Careers South West

Or Isobel Harben, SfIT Careers Leader

Employers and local businesses


If you are an employer, could you help us with our careers programme by offering any of the following services?


  • Guest speakers (employer engagement) for National Careers Week annually – all year groups
  • STEM Assemblies – Year 8/9
  • Labour Market Information – all year groups
  • Workplace visits – all year groups
  • Local companies willing to participate in an annual careers fair.
  • Hosts for work experience for year 10, particularly in the following sectors: Health Care – Animal Care – Theatre – Art – Journalism – Policing – Fire service – Retail – Music – Childcare – Education – IT/Computing – Social Work – Sports


If you could help, please contact [email protected]


Provider Access:

Link here to our Providers Access Policy (Bakers Clause)
