07 Apr Coming out of lockdown
In my previous update, I explained that the school was beginning to explore how it could open for vulnerable children with social workers, as requested by the Department for Education. I can now confirm that Heads of School have been in contact with all relevant parents and carers of these children and, with effect from Monday 20th April, the school will be open in a limited capacity. Arrangements are currently being finalised with Devon and Torbay transport. With respect to those students returning to school on the 20th, we have taken government and DFE guidance on how best to keep students and staff safe in our settings and this has been briefed to all staff today.
Although staff are missing all the children immensely and would like everyone to attend, we are not allowed to open to all students at this current time. We will continue to follow government advice and keep you updated as to when this is likely to happen. Education and care delivered remotely through Class Dojo and phone calls will continue for all other students.
Several parents have asked about Free School Meal vouchers as seen on the news recently. Unfortunately, any student that attends an independent school does not qualify for Free School Meals. If you feel that, in theseunprecedented times, you do require assistance to support your family, please feel free to contact our Family Practitioners, Hannah Williams or Charlotte Robertson.
I would like to say a big thank you for the positive engagement with activities and messages on Class Dojo over the previous weeks. It has been fantastic to see the children happy and smiling, indoors and out, proudly displaying their work.